December 2024 (Version: 14.0.0) [snapshot: 2024-12-22 02:51:17Z] REPORTED BY TYPE METRIC PRICE DISK BANDWIDTH PAYOUT Node Ingress Upload -not paid- 453.96 GB Node Ingress Upload Repair -not paid- 5.37 GB Node Egress Download $ 2.00 / TB (avg) 136.57 GB $ 0.27 Node Egress Download Repair $ 2.00 / TB (avg) 43.80 GB $ 0.09 Node Egress Download Audit $ 2.00 / TB (avg) 52.81 MB $ 0.00 Node Storage Disk Current Total -not paid- 4.01 TB Node Storage | Blobs -not paid- 3.91 TB Node Storage + Trash + -not paid- 103.74 GB Node+Sat. Calc. Storage Uncollected Garbage | -not paid- 97.51 GB Node+Sat. Calc. Storage Total Unpaid Data <-+ -not paid- 201.25 GB Satellite Storage Disk Last Report -not paid- 3.81 TB Satellite Storage Disk Average So Far -not paid- 3.75 TB Satellite Storage Disk Usage Month $ 1.49 / TBm (avg) 2.68 TBm $ 4.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________+ Total 2.68 TBm 639.74 GB $ 4.36 Estimated total by end of month 3.75 TBm 939.07 GB $ 6.30 Payout and held amount by satellite: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SATELLITE | HELD AMOUNT | REPUTATION | PAYOUT THIS MONTH | | Joined Month | Total | Disq Susp Down | Storage Egress Repair/Aud Held Payout | |--------------------------------|-------------|--------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | (OK) | | | $ 1.49/TBm $ 2.00/TB $ 2.00/TB 0% 100% | | 2021-07-18 42 | $ 0.34 | 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% | $ 0.1531 $ 0.0064 $ 0.0033 -$ 0.0000 $ 0.1629 | |--------------------------------|-------------|--------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | (OK) | | | $ 1.49/TBm $ 2.00/TB $ 2.00/TB 0% 100% | | 2021-07-18 42 | $ 1.13 | 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% | $ 1.0754 $ 0.0471 $ 0.0653 -$ 0.0000 $ 1.1878 | |--------------------------------|-------------|--------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | (OK) | | $ 1.49/TBm $ 2.00/TB $ 2.00/TB 0% 100% | | 2021-07-18 42 | $ 1.97 | 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% | $ 0.0274 $ 0.0004 $ 0.0026 -$ 0.0000 $ 0.0305 | |--------------------------------|-------------|--------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | (OK) | | | $ 1.49/TBm $ 2.00/TB $ 2.00/TB 0% 100% | | 2021-07-18 42 | $ 5.11 | 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% | $ 2.7403 $ 0.2192 $ 0.0165 -$ 0.0000 $ 2.9759 | |--------------------------------|-------------|--------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| + | TOTAL | $ 8.55 | | $ 3.9962 $ 0.2731 $ 0.0877 -$ 0.0000 $ 4.3571 | | ESTIMATED END OF MONTH TOTAL | $ 8.55 | | $ 5.7720 $ 0.4009 $ 0.1287 -$ 0.0000 $ 6.3017 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Made with BrightSilence's earnings calculator Script - Follow him on or Visit for more info